Is Porn Use Normal?

Perhaps the answer to this depends on your moral standpoint or what your values are. Or maybe porn use is a generation-sensitive activity ie the internet makes it more ‘normal’. Whatever your personal response to this question is, the fact remains that there are some aspects of porn use that we can be absolutely certain […]

When did you get your porn bug?

You (or your partner) may be part of the on-line porn generation – that is you grew up as internet porn also exploded into the cyber world and took hold.  If that is the case you have found your way to this page probably because you (or your partner) also grew up using internet porn and […]

Your Questions Answered

Probably the most common question I am asked by enquirers about their possible sex addiction or porn addiction is “Am I addicted?”  Well there are several key indicators we can use to answer this and one is the very reason you have been prompted to look at this site – and that is that you are right […]

Six Simple Ways To Build Bullet-Proof Commitment to Ending Your Sex or Porn Addicton

Commitment to change is the most critical element of being successful in achieving full recovery from addictive behaviours. Steely determination, willpower and/or partner ultimatums can go a long way but without personal commitment to the cause you may lack the emotional and psychological momentum to behave differently when it counts. Common to all addictions is the all-powerful […]

Bad Flow Bad, Good Flow Good – This Switch will Instantly Help Sex Addicts

FLOW experiences Flow is a word used to describe an optimal or peak experience.  If you can master regular use of good flow experiences then you will have one of the most potent weapons against addictive behaviours on your side.  By achieving flow experiences you will boost your feel-good neuro-chemicals so that negative feeling states are less […]

Sex Helps to Manage Anxiety

But…its not the right way to do it!  What do I mean? If you-experience one or several of the many forms of anxiety such as social anxiety or general anxiety then you may have developed a coping mechanism.  This might be compulsive sex or porn use which helps to relieve anxiety through the production of […]