Free Resources for Sex and Porn Addiction – Module 1

Free Resources for Sex and Porn Addiction - Module 1
V2V Module 1 helps you start your recovery journey on a sound footing. To recover from sex and porn addiction in the most effective way it is important to first of all put these critical foundations in place. Approximate time required: 1 hour.
Activity 1

Activity 2
1. The huge benefits of stopping need to have a higher profile in your automatic thinking than the pull of the fake benefits of acting out. Reinforce through hourly reminders what these benefits are (write them here):
- Biggest benefit
- 2nd benefit
- 3rd benefit
- 4th benefit
2. Now start to build your automated disapproval about the COSTS and NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES of acting out – experienced or potential. Write these down below and look at them every day – spend 5 minutes every few hours training your brain to keep these at the forefront of your daily thoughts. Typical ones are loss of marriage/family, loss of job, loss of money, loss of self-esteem and police knocking at your door.
- Biggest negative impact
- 2nd benefit
- 3rd benefit
- 4th benefit
3. Likewise, your core values need revitalising and adding to your daily mantras so that your brain is reminded where you stand on boundaries and what it means to you to be doing the right thing. List your top 10 values and look at the list daily. If you struggle on this send me an email and I will send you a free values worksheet. Typical values are respect for self and others, integrity, honesty, resourcefulness, being caring or reliable etc.
4. Commit yourself to the view, which you should reflect on daily, that addictive behaviours are precisely that – behaviours. This will give you more power and control over addiction. This makes recovery do-able because we know that behaviours can be restricted, controlled, and stopped for good. Porn-addiction-counselling-and-treatment
5. Accept your problem as a pre-requisite of your commitment to change. Clearly you have got this far so there is something in you somewhere saying this isn’t right. Stop avoiding or denying the issue. Stop self-destructing. Don’t look elsewhere for a definition of the problem – YOU decide what feels wrong and right for you then mentally sign up to the cause. Define precisely what it is that you want to stop and write this down.
6. Focus on a pruning rather than cold turkey approach to stopping. Scaling back or de-escalating your behaviours over time can be a less daunting prospect than facing the instant loss of acting-out and its associated (fake) pleasures. Your brain is less likely to be overwhelmed and immobilised by using such ‘baby steps’ approaches. Chipping away at addictive behaviours is perfectly fine if it suits you and you can sustain it. Don’t over-preoccupy with ‘stopping’ tomorrow or next week which can sound like too-daunting a task leaving you exposed to the self-fulfilling assumption that you are helpless and just have to give in to addictive urges.
NEXT: Vicious to Virtuous (V2V) Module 2: Knowledge is Power – Answering the question, ‘Why?’ this module leads to understanding the roots of your addictive behaviour patterns and gaining the power and techniques to break them.