Sex and Porn Addiction – The Power and Danger of Denial
In this recording – see link below – you can hear Steve from Esteem Therapy Yorkshire talking about denial and its catastrophic impact on sex and porn addicts. He is talking to Ian Wallace also known as The Messed-Up Counsellor @themessedupcounsellor We will be sharing some more extracts from this full length 45 minute interview […]
Esteem Therapy Conversation About Sex Addiction
Steve, the Principal Therapist at Esteem Therapy Yorks, was recently invited by The Messed Up Counsellor to participate in a podcast discussing sex and porn addiction. Here is the link to the video Steve and Ian talk about the nature of sex addiction, how it comes about, the impact on partners, recovery work and looking […]
Sex and Porn Addiction – What treatment looks like…’It is simple work but there are some challenges.
Sex and Porn Addiction – What treatment looks like…’It is simple work but there are some challenges’. In a conversation with The Messed Up Counsellor, Steve Sharpe of Esteem Therapy Yorkshire explains in easy to understand terms what the treatment for sex and porn addiction looks like. Here is the link to this short video.