Is Porn Use Normal?
Perhaps the answer to this depends on your moral standpoint or what your values are. Or maybe porn use is a generation-sensitive activity ie the internet makes it more ‘normal’. Whatever your personal response to this question is, the fact remains that there are some aspects of porn use that we can be absolutely certain […]
The Dangers of On-line Dating and Sex
I am probably telling you something you already know and I also recognise that the nature of addictive and compulsive behaviours means that this knowledge will be conveniently discarded (or distorted) to permit ‘acting out’. But it has to be said anyway – not everyone sees the news every day and miss the messages out […]
When did you get your porn bug?
You (or your partner) may be part of the on-line porn generation – that is you grew up as internet porn also exploded into the cyber world and took hold. If that is the case you have found your way to this page probably because you (or your partner) also grew up using internet porn and […]
Your Questions Answered
Probably the most common question I am asked by enquirers about their possible sex addiction or porn addiction is “Am I addicted?” Well there are several key indicators we can use to answer this and one is the very reason you have been prompted to look at this site – and that is that you are right […]