
Supervision For Counsellors

I am a qualified and experienced supervisor able to support established, new or student counsellors and psychotherapists.
I trained in the Hawkins and Shoet ‘7-eyed model’ of supervision and have been teaching this approach for many years. I have supervised experienced therapists and students for many years.
My main modalities are psychodynamic, systemic, cognitive/behavioural and trauma-informed work within a pluralistic approach. I been an EMDR practitioner for 6 years.
My initial qualification was in couple therapy, gained through the Relate Institute in 2007/8 and I practised in that role for 7 years at Relate.
I then qualified with ATSAC as a specialist in sex and porn addiction in 2013 and have run a private practice since then helping hundreds of clients achieve recovery.
As well as enabling clients to stop their addictive patterns I help them resolve underlying issues including attachment insecurities, maladapted schemas, childhood trauma such as parental separation, emotional or physical neglect, physical, sexual or psychological abuse, anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, low self-esteem and / or self-worth, work stress, perfectionist tendencies or feelings of failure in life or work, experiencing prejudice due to sexual orientation, and bereavement and loss

Supervision for Students

I have many years of teaching psychotherapeutic counselling theory and skills to hundreds of students up to level 5. This has kept me involved with the core theoretical concepts in pluralistic therapy and in making a contribution to developing and nurturing ethical counsellors. I understand the demands of courses for counselling and am willing to support students with these and the challenges of assignments and placement as well as self-care.
Whilst I work with clients on achieving recovery I also psychotherapy for their underlying issues:
You can get to know me by visiting some of my online videos such as this one