Free Resources for Sex and Porn Addiction – Module 5

Free Resources for Sex and Porn Addiction - Module 5
Why are cognitive distortions so important to my recovery?

Twisted logic
when your brain convinces you that addictive behaviours are actually quite a sensible and appropriate thing to do when in fact they are the opposite

when your brain tells you that the behaviours are necessary and therefore justifiable, such as because you deserve them as a treat or ‘therapy’

Sheep mentality
this is when your brain tries to sway you by saying that everyone else is doing it so it is okay and normal for you to do it or even that you are missing out by not doing it

the distortion is that the behaviours are somehow forced on you by someone or something else such as your partner, boss or your difficult circumstances

I’m special
this is your brain reminding you, irrationally of course, that you are indeed different from everyone else and have a right or special entitlement to these behaviours for example because you work hard or are successful or have special needs

your brain convinces you that this is not an addiction and therefore you do not have a problem and any negative consequences are because of something else

Making light
this is your brain reducing the significance of the behaviours so that they become almost negligible such as saying that you’ll only look at porn for 20 minutes or if no-one finds out there is little risk.

this is the amplifying of life events so that they appear so overwhelming that negative consequences of the addictive behaviours seem minor and inconsequential by comparison.

Kryptonite effect
this is your brain convincing you that you have no choice but to give into cravings because you do not have the resources or strength to fight them.
Step by step technique to conquer the power of cognitive distortions
- In The MIDAS toolkit we looked at the importance of practising mindfulness and being more in tune with your mood changes and trigger points. The first step in controlling distortions is to use this self-monitoring to spot distortions before they ambush you. This gives you the edge and provides a make or break decision point. For example, many addicts say they listen out for the inner dialogue between the ‘good-me’ and the ‘bad-me’. Whilst the good-me is declaring ‘No, I’m not going to do this’ the bad-me will be giving you the distortion hard-sell such as ‘It’ll only be a few minutes so what’s the harm?’ or perhaps, ‘looking at porn is not as bad as having an affair is it?’
- Once you can hear what the bad-me is saying you have spotted one or more cognitive distortions – is it the sheep mentality trying to convince you that this is normal or is it the kryptonite effect saying that as a weak and unarmed opponent you have no choice but to give in.
- With the distortion labelled you can challenge it using well-crafted weaponry in the form of logic and reasoning based firmly on reality. See the following challenges to examples of each of the distortions listed above. Use the time afforded by the instant distraction technique to work on the distortions and bring your brain back into the world of rational thinking where you can be back in charge.
- With repeated challenge distortions will lose their power and the brain can be re-trained to focus on the rational thoughts. Combined with mindfulness, distractions, remembering adverse consequences and self-validation, addressing cognitive distortions will probably be the most efficient tool in your recovery toolkit as you build up your abstinence.

Twisted logic
I do this because it gives me an outlet for stress and is therefore better for my partner/family’ can be challenged by ‘I can adopt healthy ways of reducing and managing stress rather than using this dysfunctional one.

I deserve this because my job/family life/health is difficult and I need an escape’ can be challenged by ‘Sexual addiction behaviours are inappropriate as an escape and only create more problems in the long run.

Sheep mentality
Porn makes up so much of the internet it must be acceptable to use it’ can be challenged by ‘Just because something is widespread does not make it good or right (for example rats, malaria, obesity) and I can make my own choices.

My family/boss/partner are so horrible to me it is their fault I do this not mine’ is challenged by ‘I make my own decisions so I am responsible for all the choices I make – and I choose not to do this. Besides, if it is true that people are being horrible to me I need to deal with that, not self-destruct.

I’m special
I work hard and have achieved a,b,and c so I am entitled to a bit of fun’ can be challenged by saying, ‘I work hard and achieve lots so I am entitled to treat myself properly by engaging in wholesome activities which will add to, and not detract from, my success.

What I do is not a problem as there are no negative consequences so it’s okay to carry on’ needs to be challenged by ‘I have lost time/money/self-esteem/mind-space/creativity/relationships etc. so clearly there is an issue which will only get worse with ever increasing negative results.

Making light
I only visit massage parlours which is not like real sex so it’s ok’ and ‘I only look at porn so what’s the big deal, it’s not like I’m having an affair?’ can be challenged by remembering ‘My partner/wife will be distraught whatever sexual acting out I do outside the relationship which could result in separation/divorce.

My life is so full of problems including money, work and relationships that seeing escorts/using porn regularly pales into insignificance – it’s the least of my worries’ must be challenged by something like ‘I can use better ways of addressing my root problems as these behaviours are only a short term sticking plaster and ultimately add to the burden.

Kryptonite effect
My addiction/compulsions are too strong for me to fight them so I may as well give in to the idea of being an addict’ can be challenged by remembering ‘I do have resources/techniques/commitment/ willpower and have solved problems and overcome challenges before – I can conquer these pointless and dysfunctional behaviours.
Conquering Cognitive Distortions
Go through this list and score the strength of each distortion (some will be more powerful than others) than write down what the distortion sounds like. Write down your personalised counter-attacks.

Twisted logic | /10 | ||
Justifying | /10 | ||
Sheep mentality | /10 | ||
Blaming | /10 | ||
I’m special | /10 | ||
Denial | /10 | ||
Making light | /10 | ||
Mountain-making | /10 | ||
Kryptonite-effect | /10 |