Free Resources for Sex and Porn Addiction – Module 3

Free Resources for Sex and Porn Addiction - Module 3

This is the 3rd module in the Esteem Therapy Yorkshire free resources for porn and sex addiction to be used by clients and others needing support.

The Grip of Dopamine-Led Addiction; Regaining Power over Cravings – 5 Essential Simple Steps

In the previous module of V2V we looked at 2 types of patterns in sex and porn addiction; type 1 (behavioural spiral of addiction) and type 2 (dopamine-led neurological spiral of addiction – see figure 2 below).  You also began your self-assessment to understand better, and to take more control over, your type 1 behavioural pattern.  Here in module 3 we will look at how the type 1 behavioural spiral mutates into an all-consuming, all-controlling, automated dopamine-led spiral.  We look at why this is so powerful and, without the right techniques, very problematic to break.

This module ends with 5 essential yet simple do-right-now steps you can take to begin winding back the automated dopamine effect and resume manual control.

Dopamine-led cycle of addiction

Persistent repetition of sexual and porn behaviours constantly fires up so-called neural pathways to the point where the behaviours become learned and automatic.  These pathways become charged up so much that they transform into a sort of high-velocity travellator racing straight to your brain’s reward and pleasure centres.  Once on this there is only one place to go and no getting off! Dopamine, one of the ‘happy’ chemicals in the brain, is mostly responsible for this ‘learning’.  Unfortunately, dopamine has a built-in quality that makes it progressively more and more addictive.  This devious quality is part of our primitive genetic encoding.   As hunter-gatherers, dopamine served us as a primal motivator to make us seek out things we needed for survival such as food, warmth and opportunities for procreation.
Dopamine made essential survival activities pleasurable so we would make the effort required to battle against the forces of nature, other tribes and low expectations of reward. In the modern world where all our basic needs are easily met, our primitive dopamine-led circuitry can easily become misdirected. It can hijack us into new forms of hunting-type behaviours, such as seeking out the perfect porn clip or sexual experience.  So we might say that our primitive dopamine programming is a liability in the modern human experience where there are endless opportunities for instant gratification.  It can sadly make some of us spiral out of control as self-gratification is used to ease the problems of modern life.

Addiction as a Learned Behaviour

Being enticed constantly by the need for a dopamine high is a form of unintentional rote learning. Eventually this repetition installs ‘second nature’.  It takes us many lessons and rote practice of multiplication tables or driving manoeuvres to get to the point of automation.  Learned behaviours driven by a dopamine ‘dependency’ are like driving or working out 7 x 5 – they  need little or no cognitive effort.  This is the scary part of sex and porn addiction.  After persistent repetition acting out behaviours are actually on auto-pilot, travelling at break-neck speeds.  The addicted brain’s rational cognitive pathways are by-passed and thoughts about the negative consequences barely glimmer.
In other words, sex and porn addictions are actually forms of dependency on at least one powerful chemical in the brain.
Dopamine-driven behaviours soon become an entity in their own right; they develop their own self-reinforcing downward spiral of demand and fulfilment. (see Figure 2) Actual content of porn clips and the nature of sexual experiences become second cousins to seeking and pursuing ever more novel activities that generate dopamine (the chase),. This explains several things which confound sex and pornography addicts all the time:

Recovery Journey Map

There are 3 key stages in the journey from the dopamine-fuelled spiral of addiction back to a virtuous cycle of self-support. (see Figure 3:  V2V Route Map)
While these are the 3 stages, the actual route and time taken will depend on your learning style, level of commitment and capacity to make changes to your routines.  Reflective learners need time to absorb new ideas before committing to them fully.  Whereas active learners just like to jump in and get on with it.  If you are a reflector you are probably more suited to a slower, de-escalation of your acting out rituals whereas if you are more of an activist learner you will probably want to stop straightaway and ‘white-knuckle’ your recovery.  Either way is legitimate – what works for you works.
Figure 3: Recovery Journey Map

Virtuous Cycle of Self-Support – the Final Destination

Within 3-6 months sex and porn addicts can re-learn their patterns of addiction so that a healthy virtuous cycle of self-support is installed.  (see Figure 4: Virtuous Cycle of Self-Support) Sustained management of the virtuous cycle will seriously diminish any future need for addictive behaviours.  Former addicts will manage life events effectively, keeping themselves within their tolerance zone and removing the need for acting out behaviours as an escape or self-soother.
Figure 4: Virtuous Cycle of Self-Support

Related video: Causes of Sex and Porn Addiction and How to Stop

Get Started on Stage 1 – Disrupting and Switching off the Spiral of Dopamine Dependency

Getting off the dopamine dependency and re-balancing your neurochemical thermostat is easier than you think.  Improvements will accrue on the way to a recommended 90-day, unblemished period of abstinence – the point at which research tells us re-wiring is well-established.  Your dopamine spiral will stay closed off whilst you install your new virtuous lifestyle aimed at healthier forms of self-support and self-fulfilment. If you are committed to change (see Module 1 for techniques to strengthen this) and can find your preferred way with it you will succeed more easily than you imagine.
Your aim is to disrupt, shake up and gradually dismantle the automated pathways in your brain by re-learning new lifestyle patterns – however symmetrical or random.  Constant disruption will work like a war of attrition on stubborn dopamine-pathways and eventually force them into a state of surrender.
Your brain is genetically-designed to learn new ways and behaviours – it just takes time, patience and persistence.  The following 5-steps are essential tools to help the re-learning and re-wiring. You will experience some early gains, such as more hope, energy and time, which will boost your trust in your efforts and self-confidence.  Very soon you will feel good about yourself for making even small, incremental steps – every one represents progress!

In the next module, V2V 4 we will be looking at a highly effective toolkit for managing cravings and urges.