
But…its not the right way to do it! What do I mean? If you-experience one or several of the many

FLOW experiences Flow is a word used to describe an optimal or peak experience. If you can master regular use

Commitment to change is the most critical element of being successful in achieving full recovery from addictive behaviours. Steely determination,

Using porn sites, webcams, chatrooms and sexting can lead to ‘porn revenge’ when a previous ‘friend’ decides to get back

What is addiction and when does it become a problem? We are all addicted in some way. We all love

You may be a partner who suspects their boyfriend or husband is acting compulsively with sex or porn and wondering

Probably the most common question I am asked by enquirers about their possible sex addiction or porn addiction is “Am

If you have not experienced these yet then ask yourself if you are heading towards them and what is the

You (or your partner) may be part of the on-line porn generation – that is you grew up as internet

I am probably telling you something you already know and I also recognise that the nature of addictive and compulsive

Perhaps the answer to this depends on your moral standpoint or what your values are. Or maybe porn use is

Many partners contact me for help and information about how to deal with their partner’s compulsive sexual behaviours. If this