
When it comes to enhancing your gaming experience, the quality of your gaming chips can make a significant difference. Whether

Sex and Porn Addiction – What treatment looks like…’It is simple work but there are some challenges’. In a conversation

This post talks about the role of trauma as a commonly occuring causal factor of addiction in my work with

Steve, the Principal Therapist at Esteem Therapy Yorks, was recently invited by The Messed Up Counsellor to participate in a

In this recording – see link below – you can hear Steve from Esteem Therapy Yorkshire talking about denial and

Addictive behaviours don’t take hold because they are desirable and pleasurable. They serve a purpose and while that purpose exists

A renowned behavioural scientist taught dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell. Pavlov discovered ‘classical conditioning’, a process

A high number of clients seek help for their compulsive porn use and sex-related addictive behaviours because their relationship with

Sex and porn addiction can include excessively indulging in one or a combination of some of the following most often

Too many of my clients who come to me for sex addiction and porn addiction treatment do so because they

Relationships are one of the most pervasive causal factors underlying the dependent use of sex and pornography. More specifically, how

Rather than reasons I prefer to use the term ‘probable factors’. We can never know for sure but in most