EMDR Trauma Treatment

EMDR Service
Do you experience painful trauma memories which still affect you? Perhaps you experienced bullying, abuse, horrific events or just unpleasant experiences which keep coming back to haunt you? EMDR is a well-researched and known effective treatment developed for PTSD and works well for a range of trauma-linked issues. Normally just 1-3 sessions are all that is required to banish for good the trauma memories and the psychosomatic symptoms attached to them.
f you would like to try EMDR treatment please contact Steve to discuss your needs briefly over the phone to see if this is the right therapeutic treatment for you.
What does EMDR stand for?
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Re-Processing is the full name for this form of therapy. Eye movement refers to the technique of following an alternating right to left, left to right object (usually the therapist’s fingers or a bright light) with the eyes. Eye movements are used for both of the following stages, desensitisation and re-processing. Eye movements stimulate parts of the brain so as to free locked-in trauma memories. Many EMDR therapists use other methods instead of eye movements such as stereophonic sounds or hand-held pulsators to achieve the effect known as bi-lateral stimulation.
Desensitisation refers to the process of enabling a client to become less affected by the trauma memories as usually shown by their physical and emotion symptoms.
Re-processing is a technique that replaces the negative thoughts arising from the trauma memories with positive ones.
EMDR does not involve hypnosis so the client is fully aware throughout sessions.
Why use EMDR?
EMDR is highly regarded because of its effectiveness in just a few sessions and especially because it does not need to involve the traumatised client in re-telling their painful experiences. It focuses on the symptoms generated by the trauma memories such as a quickened heart and pulse rate, aches and pains throughout the body, tight chest and abdominal pains. These symptoms are signs of trauma being locked in the brain and they provide the key with which to release the trauma painlessly.
I prefer to use audio stimulation through headphones so that there is less concentration required as needed by the client in completing the eye movements and also allows clients to close their eyes to better focus on their internal and physical symptoms.
What Clients Say

" EMDR made such a difference to me and I am not affected by what happened to me anymore. "
" After trying many therapies to deal with my trauma EMDR is the one that really worked "
" I can’t believe what a difference EMDR made and I feel so much better "
" I often use the EMDR techniques to calm me when things get stressful."